Medieval manuscripts

The manuscripts of the University and North Rhine-Westphalian State Library Düsseldorf make up one of the most significant collections in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The collection contains about 400 copies extending from the 9th to the 16th century. As they are mainly secularization goods coming from 22 Rhenish and Westphalian monasteries, seminaries and convents, this collection is even more liturgically and theologically influenced than might have been expected with collections from medieval manuscripts.

The in-depth indexing of the manuscripts of the signature group B (Ms. B 1 to B 100) is included in the catalog Die mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Signaturengruppe B in der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf .

On the ULB website you will find an inventory of medieval and early modern manuscript fragments.

To the manuscripts