1 Hit for Year = "1576" and Collection = Digitale Sammlungen

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  • Title page

    Haec est nobilis, et florens illa Neapolis, Campaniae civitas

    antea Parthenope appellata ab una Sirenum Parthenope, quæ cum omnes, uti est in fabulis, prę dolore, quod Ulyßem eiusq socios cantu decipere haud potuerãt, in mare se præcipitaßent, hoc in loco sepulta est ...
    Braun, Georg ; Hogenberg, Franz
    In: Civitates Orbis Terrarvm Liber ... / [Georgivs Bravn. Franciscvs Hogenbergivs ... Simon Novellanvs], 1 (1575)Vol. 1 Issue 47